Sunday, April 3, 2011


Loving the fact that my cardio is improving.  Where before I used to do 10 or so lenghts of freestyle in the pool before capitulating, I now put in a seemingly endless number of lengths and stop due to boredom, not lack of fitness.

Not being able to get properly stuck into the awesome thai food is a test indeed.  That said, the food they churn out here (apart from the absence of meat) is straight out of the PCP dieting manual:  Steamed veg (lots of colours), egg white omelets with bean sprout salad, kale with garlic and sesame seeds etc etc - you get the idea. Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's new menus bring...


  1. Sounds great mate... and the tan is coming along nicely !

  2. Yeah you look like a sunburnt yogi

  3. Your body will keep on improving at a very fast pace. It loves being fed right and being used daily. Keep it up!
