Monday, May 30, 2011

and finally...(again)

Well, everything I wanted to say on my final blog I've already said over the course of the last 90 days - the ups, the downs and the un-mentionables.  Only thing that remains to be said is a BIG thank you to all for your enthusiasm and encouragement.

Patrick, your no-nonsense, common sense approach has been great and things came together nicely at the end like you said they would all along - well played! 

Also a special mention to 'super-sets can be fun!' Ricky for giving advice and a much-needed push at times when things got really tough.

Congrats to all you guys who completed and good luck to the whole crew following closely behind!

All the best, M


  1. And well played to you my good man.... COMPLETE!

  2. Nice work! Your pics look great, I had fun kickin it with you PCP style! Good luck in the future!
