Thursday, May 19, 2011


Just back from another early start on the Peak. 
Did the PCP exercises at the top and as a result my legs are grumpy,
my shoulders have thrown a strop, and my abs are not talking to me 
after making them do v-sits again. They'll get over it.
On this week's assignment from Patrick's email (checking out a gym), 
I actually went to the gym last weekend as I fancied a change of scenery. 
If I'd hoped to see a lot of unfit people there clearly I'd chosen the 
wrong gym - maybe it's only fit people who go on the weekend?
It struck me however, that a lot of people continue to rely on personal 
trainers. Nothing wrong with having a personal trainer per se, but it 
seems to me that what they teach is all stuff that we can do ourselves. 
It's become abundantly clear that without getting the diet right we won't 
see any meaningful results - in my experience, personal trainers don't 
put sufficient emphasis on diet. If people use trainers because they provide 
motivation (which used to be my reason) then I find PCP works better (
and cheaper!). 
Can't see myself going back to a trainer. 
We have the tools, knowledge and motivation now.


  1. Nice one man, a very good lesson .... See you saturday for lesson 101: Hard Work !!

  2. Great post Mark - PCP is indeed cheap and cheerful (can be!)- it works because you're feeding your body the right stuff and exercising the right way. Naturally! Have a strong and rocking last PCP week xx
